Face Reading Part 1

Face Reading Part 1

You are your face.

The face is an external projection of your inner self and the reflection of your emotional world.

The approximate 25 square inches of your face gives more information about you than any other part of your body.  That’s a lot of reading in a very small area.

The face is a topographic map of personality, past experiences and future potential.  The face shows what is going on inside the body and in the mind all of which change the landmarks referred to as mountains and rivers.  The mountains are the hard features that are composed of the bone, for example the forehead, cheekbones, nose, chin and jaw.  These features create the structure and foundation of the face and have personality traits associated with them such as stubbornness, will-power, bossiness and ambition.

Rivers are the soft features, ears, eyebrows and eyes and mouth.  These features represent feelings such as generosity, sensuality and sadness.

Facial diagnosis has a well documented history in China that dates back thousands of years.  It was originally used to diagnose illness as a part of Chinese Medicine and was one of many techniques doctors used to avoid having to palpate the body.  Since then face reading has been used in other ways, from matchmaking to determining promotability in the government hierarchy.

The face not only shows who someone is, but also shows what has happened to them.  Predicting what kind of illness a person is headed for is even easier because the indications can be found in facial features long before tests show what organs are compromised or diseased.

Remember your mother saying: “Don’t make that face, it will freeze that way”?  Well, guess what?  She was right.  If you make an expression over and over again for years it will mark your face.  Most of us are creatures of habit and we tend to use our favourite expressions repeatedly.

The studies of brow lifters, squinters and frowners have proven that expressions cause lines on the face; so if you don’t like the way your face is getting marked, than stop making those expressions.

The physiology of facial muscles is very different from that of other muscles  in the body.  Excessive use does not strengthen them, but actually weakens them causing lines.  Many wrinkles are just patterns of behavior that may become ingrained and end up marking the face.

Lillian Bridges states in her book “Face Reading In Chinese Medicine” :

 “ From birth until the age of 25 you have the face that your mother gave you.

From 25 to 50 you created your own face.  From 50 on you have the face you deserve.”

Human beings are capable of a great range of expressions.  Major studies have been conducted on various cultures in the world and have discovered that we all use the same basic expressions for the same basic emotions.  So, because we are all basically wired the same under the skin, that is why we can understand the expressions of other people in the world.  Facial expressions are a universal language.

Stay tuned for Part 2 . . .

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