By Joy Cumminger, D.Ac., R.Ac., The Joys of Health & Wellness
Need to unwind from a busy day? Chamomile tea will soothe your nerves and rest your mind, ease anxiety and panic attacks. Chamomile tea has been consumed for hundreds of years. It is well-known for its benefits and is a wonderful remedy for sleep disorders such as insomnia.
Chamomile Tea
- 1 heaped teaspoon chamomile flowers (dried or fresh)
- 1 teaspoon honey
- Slice of lemon (optional)
Put the chamomile flowers into a warm cup, pour on boiling water. Cover and leave to infuse for 3-5 minutes. Strain and add the honey and lemon, if required. Can be drunk either hot or cold.
Chamomile has been found to contain fairly strong antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory constituents, therefore it has been found to be effective in treating stomach ailments , eases the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, bowel cramps, relieves excessive gas and bloating, promotes elimination and assists in overall digestion. It is also found to improve appetite.
The ancient cultures used it to soothe menstrual cramps and to relieve signs of PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome). Studies have found that drinking chamomile tea raised urine levels of glycine, a compound that calms muscle spasms and muscle twitches. Researchers believe this is why chamomile tea helps menstrual cramps.
Chamomile has immune boosting properties and helps in the fight against colds, also it is said to have beneficial effects in the management of diabetes.
Chamomile tea has been found to help relieve eye fatigue and dark circles as well as being a wonderful cure for migraines.
It is used as a hair rinse for fine hair and helps to make it brighter.
The ancient cultures have used in the past and are still using today, specific teas such as Chamomile as poultices and topical applications in speeding the healing of scrapes, wounds, burns, as well as skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, chicken pox and diaper rash.
So as you can see, remedies and benefits for your health can be found in simple things such as a cup of hot herbal tea on a cold day.
As beneficial as the tea may be, there are some cautions to be aware of. Some people have serious allergic reactions to chamomile. If you are allergic to other plants in the same family such as daisy, ragweed, aster, chrysanthemum, or marigold you should use caution when using chamomile. Chamomile should be avoided during pregnancy, and by people with bleeding disorders. Chamomile is not recommended for those on blood thinners as it contains a substance called coumarin (which is also a blood thinner). As with all herbal products, moderation is the key to avoiding adverse reactions. Some of the potential side effects of chamomile include drowsiness, so use it with caution if you are driving or operating machinery. High doses of chamomile can also cause vomiting and/or skin reactions in some individuals. For more information on contact Joy Cumminger at The Joys of Health & Wellness, 320 Main Street, Antigonish or telephone 902-867-3434.